Whether We Live or Die All Is God's Mercy

For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. -Rom. 14:8

God's mercy extends to this temporal life. We think his mercy is only for things that belong to the life everlasting. No! The same love and mercy that gives us heaven, is the same that gives us our daily bread. It is the same we have in God for the things of this life that we have in him for the other life in heaven. So did the saints before us, as we see in Hebrews 11.
Life is to be desired as a blessing from God that we might do good; for after death we are receivers only, and not doers. All the good we convey to others we must do it while we live here. It it not unlawful to desire to live to see your children brought up in the fear of God, and yet let that be with a resignation to God's will and purpose. If you be well, rejoice in it, and count it as God's blessing. If you be sick, patiently submit yourself to God's will, and count it as his merciful dealing with you. As we look on death being an enemy to our nature, and a destroyer, we desire it not. Yet, considering  it as God's decree and will, say still, 'Your will be done, O Lord, and not mine.' Paul considered for himself it was better to die, but looking to the Philippians, 'nevertheless, to abide in the flesh is better for you' (Phil. 1:24). Learn the sweet state of God's children; whether we live or die, all is mercy; and this we have by being assured that we are in the covenant of grace. Labour therefore to find an interest therein for yourself. God does good to us in this life by others. Let us therefore praise him for parents, friends, benefactors; for by them God has mercy on us. God uses man for the good of man, that he might knit the communion of saints together more straightly. We ought to acknowledge God's mercy on us, by taking mercy on others.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
Of the Providence of God, Works, vol. 5, pp. 46-47
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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