Weeping for the Church

Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears. -Acts 20:31

The best way to weep is to enter into the house of mourning and set before our eyes the afflictions of others. The very sight of misery is a means to make the soul weep. And let us be willing to hear that which we cannot see; as Nehemiah was content to hear, nay, to inquire, concerning God's people abroad; and when he heard that it was not well with them it made him weep. Every man will cry, 'What news?' But where is the man, when he hears of the news beyond the seas, will send up sighs to God in prayer, that he would take pity upon his church? It is a good way to use our senses, to help our souls to grieve.
Therefore, let us shame ourselves for our own deadness, dryness, and spiritual barrenness this way, that we can yield no sighs, no tears for God, for his church and his glory. Let us reason with our souls, 'If I should lose my wife, or child, or my estate, this wayward heart of mine would weep and be grieved; but now there is greater cause for mourning for myself and the church of God, and yet I cannot grieve.' Augustine said he could weep for her who killed herself out of love to him, but he could not weep for his own want of love to God. We have many who will weep for the loss of friends, wealth, and such like things, but let them lose God's favour, be in such a state there is but one step between them and hell, they are never grieved nor moved at all. Therefore, seeing they do not weep for themselves, let us weep for them. Can we weep when we see a man hurt in his body, and ought we not much more for the danger of his soul? Therefore, let us work this sorrow upon our hearts.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
Josiah's Reformation, pp. 106-08 [82-84]
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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