When We Feel Our Faith Is Weak (3)

The apostles said to the Lord, 'Increase our faith!'—Luke 17:5

(6) Keep the graces of the Spirit, that emerge from a true faith, in continual exercise. For grace exercised, brings certain comfort. Sincerity alone will not comfort a man, unless it grows up to fruitfulness. Fruitfulness which springs from the exercise of grace, has a sweet reflection upon the soul. The heathen men, Socrates and the best of them, so far as they exercised the natural goodness that was in them, their consciences reflected peace; so far as they were good, and did good, they had peace, much more peace than bad men had. God gave even them some rewards upon discharge of their duties. He will not be beholden to any man that exercises any degree of goodness. How much more will a child of God enjoy it when he exercises his graces in any temptation. When he overcomes any unclean, earthly, vainglorious, vindictive, or any other base lust, he will find peace of conscience. The more he grows in strength and resolution, the more he grows in inward peace. Righteousness and peace go together, not only the righteousness of Christ and our reconciliation before God, but also the righteousness of a holy life and peace in our own consciences. The righteousness of Christ entitles us to heaven; and the righteousness of a holy life shows our title to comfort. They that would have inward peace, let them labour to be gracious; and that not only in the inward frame of the heart, but in the exercise of grace upon all occasions. 'For they that walk according to this rule,’ that is, of the new creature, 'peace be to them' (Gal. 6:16). What a blessed condition will we be in, to be in Christ, and to know that we are so! Whatever way he looks, he finds matter of comfort. If he looks backward, to the government of the Spirit that has ruled him in the former part of his life. If he looks forward, he sees a place prepared for him in heaven and there he sees himself already in Christ.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
Sibbes's Last Two Sermons: Second Sermon, Works, vol. 7, pp. 354-55
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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