One Thing (2)

But only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, and it will not be taken away from her. -Luke 10:42

(3) David can only desire this 'one thing' by grace. For the very nature of grace is to unite all things to the main thing. The Spirit of grace sets before the eye of the soul heavenly, spiritual things in their greatness and excellency. Then the Spirit of grace, seeing there are many useful things in this world, has a uniting, knitting, subordinating power, to rank all things so they may agree to and help the main thing. Grace confines the soul to one thing. Man, after his fall, was not content with his condition, so he 'sought out many inventions' (Eccles. 7:29). When man falls prey to this, he loses his foundation. The soul is never quiet and sure until it returns to God, who is the one thing the soul truly desires. This new, single-minded heart is a promise in the covenant of grace. For God said, 'I will give you one heart' (Jer. 32:39). As soon as a man becomes a Christian, he has one heart. His heart before was divided. There was a variety of objects the heart was set upon, and God had the least piece. The flesh had a piece, and this delight and that delight had a piece. But God said, 'I will give you one heart.' That is, a heart uniting itself in desire to the best thing, and regulating all things, so that all are one. Little streams help the main stream by running into it; so grace has a subordinating power over all things in the world, so that they help the main. 'One thing have I desired' and I desire other things if they help the main thing. Grace will teach us this art.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
A Breathing after God, Works, vol. 2, pp. 217-18
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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