Kings Must Humble Themselves Before God

For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. -Rom. 13:1b

It is not unbefitting kings to humble themselves before God, seeing they have to deal with him who is a 'consuming fire' (Heb. 12:29), before whom the very angels cover their faces. I say it is no shame for the greatest monarch of the earth to abase himself when he has to do with God; yea, kings, of all other persons, ought most to humble themselves, to show their thankfulness to God, who has raised them from their brethren to be heads of his people. And considering the endowments which kings usually have, they are bound to humble themselves, as also in regard of the authority and power which God has put into their hands, saying, 'By me kings reign' (Prov. 8:15). But usually we see, from the beginning of the world, that kings forget God. Where there is not grace above nature, there kings will not stoop to God. Only so far as it agrees with their pleasure and will, so far shall God be served, and no farther.
As that ointment poured upon Aaron's head fell from his head to the skirts, and so spread itself to the rest of the parts, even to his feet (Psa. 133:2), so a good example in a king descends down to the lowest subjects, as the rain from the mountains into the valleys. Therefore, a king should first begin to humble himself. Kings are called fathers to their subjects, because they should bear a loving and holy affection to their people, that when anything troubles the subjects, they should be affected with it. The welfare of their subjects should be their glory.
It is no benefit for a man to be humbled by God, as Pharaoh was; for God can humble and pull down the proudest. God by this gets himself glory. But here is the glory of a Christian, that he has grace from God to humble himself. Many are humbled that are not humble; many are cast down that have proud hearts still, as Pharaoh had.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
Josiah's Reformation, pp. 43-46 [34-36]
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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