'Voices From The Past' Vol. 1 — December 29

The Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.—Romans 8:27

To pray in the Spirit is to pray sincerely, sensibly, and with affection by the working of God's Spirit. No one can truly pray without his assistance. Many ask and do not have because they ask amiss. While prayer is in the making, God is searching the heart to see from what root and spirit it comes. That which is according to his will he hears, and nothing else. Men praying without the Holy Spirit are so prone to senseless, hypocritical, cold and unseemly prayers. He helps us in our weakness. When we have a clear vision of our sin, and hesitate to come to God, the Spirit stays the soul, and helps it to look up to God and persuade us to pray. O how great a task it is for a poor soul that is sensitive of its sin and of the wrath of God to say in faith but this one word: 'Father'. That one word spoken in faith is better than a thousand formal, cold, and lukewarm prayers. O the obstacles the heart has at the time of prayer! There are so many byways and back lanes the heart has to slip away from the presence of God. But, when the Spirit gets into the heart, then there is prayer indeed, and not till then. It is not the mouth, but the heart that matters in prayer. The best prayers often are more groans than words. Jacob did not only begin in prayer, he held it: 'I will not let you go unless you bless me' (Gen. 32:26). So do the rest of the godly. But this could not be done without the Spirit of prayer (Jude 20). I will seek the Lord, and wait. I will not leave off, though the Lord keeps his silence and does not speak one word of comfort. He loved Jacob dearly, and yet he made him wrestle before he had the blessing. He loves to keep his people praying, and to find them ever knocking at the gate of heaven.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Devotional Readings 'Voices From The Past Vol.1.'
John Bunyan, Works, I:627-634
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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