'Voices From The Past' Vol. 1 — December 30

You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above.—John 19:11

If the providence of God reaches to the small concerns of the world, we may be sure that the greater are also controlled by his providence. Our Saviour taught that a sparrow could not fall without the Father's permission, so we should not fear, for we are worth much more than many sparrows. This may establish our hearts under any personal sufferings or public calamities. When the storms and waves overwhelm the ship, our God is not sleeping, he is at the helm. He is steering, governing, and guiding through all these disorders to his own glory and our good. Do not wonder at how such abominations are allowed to happen, but wonder at the wonderful providence of God that these are not allowed more than they are. If God allowed the outrageous lusts of men unleashed, our streets would be continually filled with violence and murder. It is by God's overruling providence that our streets are not continually filled with these, but we are able to enjoy our lives in safety. The wickedness of men presses hard upon God's restraints, and where there are gaps in it, it breaks out naturally and violently. If this dam of divine providence were but broken down, a flood would break out until it overflowed the whole face of the earth, and would cover it with a deluge of impiety and profaneness. God who sets boundaries to the raging of the sea does not allow them to go any farther. When we see confusion in the world, we are apt to despond and cry out, 'Lord, what will you do for your great name?’ God will glorify himself even by these things, and we do not need to be troubled. There is an invisible and wise hand that moulds and fashions all. Put the whole frame and series of providences together, and it will appear most admirable and glorious.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Devotional Readings 'Voices From The Past Vol.1.'
Ezekiel Hopkins, Works, III:386-388
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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