Knowing That Christ Is at the Father's Right Hand (2)

Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died--more than that, who was raised--who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. -Rom. 8:34

Christ's ascension is a comfort in our sins and infirmities. When we have to deal with God the Father, whom we have offended with our sins, let us receive comfort from this: Christ is ascended into heaven, to appear before his Father as a mediator for us; and, therefore, God turns away his wrath from us. We have a friend, a favourite in the court of heaven, the Son of God himself, at his Father's right hand and he makes intercession for us. As Jonathan appeared in Saul's court to speak a good word and to plead for David (1 Sam. 19:4), so does Jesus Christ appear in the court of heaven for us, but with far better success. He makes intercession for us and continues our peace with God despite our daily breaches. It is as if he should say; 'These are the people that I was born for; that I obeyed for; that I died for; that I was sent into the world to work the great work of redemption for.' He wrought our redemption in his humbled state; but he applies it in his exalted state. Even as there is speech contributed to Abel's blood (Gen. 4:10)--it cried, 'Vengeance, vengeance!'--so Christ appearing now in heaven for us, his blood cries, 'Mercy, mercy! These are those I shed my blood for; mercy, Lord!'
In the law, the high priest, after he had offered a sacrifice of blood, was to go into the holy of holies; so Christ, after he had offered himself for a sacrifice went into the holy of holies, into heaven, to appear before God. As the high priest went into the holy of holies, he had the names of the twelve tribes on his breast, to show that he appeared before God for them all. So Christ, having gone to heaven, has all our names upon his breast; that is, in his heart the name of every particular believer; to present them before God. Therefore, when we have to deal with God, think of Christ, now glorious in heaven, appearing for us.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
The Fountain Opened, Works, vol. 5, pp. 530
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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