Persecution and Martyrdom (2)

Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. -Matt.24:9

(4) Whether a man may break out of prison to save himself? I answer: You ought not to do anything that may endanger another man to save your own life. You may not, by breaking out of prison, endanger the jailor's life to save yourself. For it shames the truth of your cause. When the prison doors were opened Paul would not fly (Acts 16:28). Peter did it indeed, he came out of prison; but it was an extraordinary and miraculous deliverance by the command of the angel (Acts 12:11). Also, it is a contempt of the government and the law; for every man is to be governed by and to submit himself to the law.
(5) Whether a minister may flee from persecution? I answer: We may flee for our own safety; and a minister may, if there be those good shepherds left who will stand for the flock, that it may not be scattered. Yet if God gives you a spirit of courage to hold out, consult with God by earnest prayer for the direction of his Holy Spirit. If out of your own confidence you should stand out, and afterward give back, it would weaken and discourage others.
In all these situations, you must labour to have your judgment enlightened, correctly discerning the order of things. A Christian can rightly account his life, when he knows that it is 'but a vapour that soon vanishes' (James 4:14). He knows the world cannot be worth a soul. These things being truly learned, we will be ready to deny father, mother, yea, our very life, if they once oppose Christ. We should get a resolution beforehand by daily considering these things, and have a mind truly prepared for all trials. To that end put cases to yourself; what would you do or suffer rather than be drawn to offend God, if the time of trial were to come now? The peace of conscience is above all good that can be desired. Remember that your life is not your own.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
Of the Providence of God, Works, vol. 5, pp. 53-54
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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