'Voices From The Past' Vol. 1 — January 13

You have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God.—Romans 6:22

If you have sincerely given yourself up to God, and consented to his covenant, show it, by turning the face of your endeavors and conversation quite another way; seek heaven more fervently and diligently than you ever sought the world or fleshly pleasures. Holiness consists not in a mere forbearance of a sensual life, but principally in living unto God. The principle or heart of holiness is within, and consists in the love of God, his Word, his ways, his servants, his honour, and his interest in the world. It consists in the soul's delight in God, and the ways of God. It is inclined towards him, and seeks after him to please him. It hates to offend him. The expression of it in our lives consists in a constant, diligent exercise of the internal life, according to the directions of the Word of God. If you are a believer, and have subjected yourself to God as your absolute Sovereign, King, and Judge, it will then be your work to obey and please him, as a child his father, or a servant his master. Do you think that God will have servants, and have nothing for them to do? Will one of you commend or reward your servant for doing nothing, and take it at the year's end for a satisfactory answer or account, if he might say; ‘I have done no harm?' God calls you not only to do no harm, but to love and serve him with all your heart, and soul, and might. If you have a better master than you had before, you should do more work than you did before. Will you not serve God more zealously than you served the devil? Will you not labour harder to save your souls than you did to damn them? Will you not be more zealous in good than you were in evil? If you are true believers, you have now laid up your hope in heaven; seek it, as worldlings set themselves to seek the world.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Devotional Readings 'Voices From The Past Vol.1.'
Richard Baxter, A Christian Directory, I:23
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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