'Voices From The Past' Vol. 1 — February 14

Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.—Acts 16:31

Are you at the door of salvation? You struggle as to whether you have faith or not. You want to come to the light but seem to struggle to do so. Why not go ahead and come out of darkness and into the land of the living? Allow faith to do her perfect work in you, and to form Christ in your heart. Would you believe, but you realize you have been a sinner? Christ came to save sinners. O you say, but my sins are scandalous! Did not Christ say 'All things are possible for one who believes?’ (Mark 9:23). Are not all your faults easily pardonable by infinite mercy? Did not his blood wash David's bloody sin as snow? Did Christ come from heaven to cure only small scars and cuts? Are not the deep, long-standing, and serious wounds included? O take heed, take your eyes off yourself and look upon Christ. No matter how deadly your sting, believing you shall be cured and live. Take heed of pride that comes in the clothes of humility. Peter, will you not allow Christ's precious hand to wash your foul feet? Was not Jesus well pleased with the humble Canaanite woman who accepted the term 'dog', and was willing to eat crumbs from the master's table? It is high pride not to come when called. Faith is obedience. You might desire to do good works, and then come. You feel you will be welcome with your payment. He bids you come without silver. Let your money perish! Did Christ exact restitution from Zacchaeus? Did Paul bid the jailer to become a new man to believe? No! Belief comes, then reformation. Swim out of these weeds, and lay hold on Christ. Set before your eyes Christ and his promise to receive all who truly desire the price of his blood. Study, strive, and endeavour to believe. Today is salvation offered. Step from death to life, and write this day your birthday. By faith you are made a son of God for ever.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Devotional Readings 'Voices From The Past Vol.1.'
Samuel Ward, Sermons, pp. 22-23
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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