'Voices From The Past' Vol. 1 — January 22

This is God, our God forever and ever.—Psalm 48:14

Our God is a safe portion, a secure portion. He is a portion that no one can rob you of. He is a portion that no one can touch or take from you. He is a portion that no one can cheat or spoil you of. God is such a portion, that no friend, no foe, and no devil can ever rob you of. O Christians, God is so yours in Christ, and so yours by covenant, and so yours by promise, and so yours by purchase, and so yours by conquest, and so yours by marriage union and communion, and so yours by the earnest of the Spirit, and so yours by the feelings and witnesses of the Spirit, that no power on earth can ever pilfer your portion, or cheat, or rob you of your portion. He is not only our God for the present, O no! He will be our God forever and ever. If God is once your portion, he will forever be your portion. A man may be easily deprived of his earthly portion. Many have lost their earthly portion by storms at sea, others by force and violence, others by fraud and deceit, and others by hideous lying and hellish swearing. Many have lost their earthly portions by treachery, perjury, and robbery. Some play away their earthly portions, and others with Esau fool away their earthly portions, and not a few, with the prodigal, sin away their earthly portions. Ahab's fingers itched to be pilfering Naboth's vineyard (1 Kings 21:1-6). A man no sooner enjoys an earthly portion, but another man itches to be fingering his portion. But God is a portion that fire cannot burn, floods cannot drown, thieves cannot steal, enemies cannot confiscate, and soldiers cannot plunder. A man may take away my gold, but he cannot take away my God. God is so chained to his people by his everlasting love, covenant, the blood of his Son, and by his oath, that no created power shall ever be able to separate him from his people.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Devotional Readings 'Voices From The Past Vol.1.'
Thomas Brooks, Works, II:26-27
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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