'Voices From The Past' Vol. 1 — February 20

For we walk by faith, not by sight.—2 Corinthians 5:7

How many people do you know that truly live by faith? Do you live by faith? What were your thoughts this morning? What was your heart's nourishment? Were entertainment and food of greater joy than your heavenly meditations? Have you spent half an hour, or 15 minutes in exercising your faith? Have you allowed this needful task to be forgotten? Have you wasted a day, week, or month, and starved your soul of its refreshments? Recover yourself before you go to your heavenly home. Will you die before you have lived? O learn to live life, it is never too late! If you are a prince, or ruler, learn to live. No matter how honourable, prosperous, or pleasurable you may be, this is not true happiness. True pleasure is found only in a life of faith. This life of faith is available to all. The poorest or least educated can travel this road to heaven. The poor may not have opportunity for wealth or honour, but they can live a truly happy life through faith. They can live a life just as great as princes. Whoever desires to lift up the condition of your pilgrimage into happier days, faith is the art of living well and long. Life is not numbered by hours, but cheerfulness. Money is not valued just by the number of bills, but the value on the bill. One week as a healthy man is better than a year as a sick man. Is not one hour of sunshine better than a day of gloom? To live well, is to live twice. A good man doubles and amplifies his days. One day lived by the rules of faith is better than an immortality of vanity. A man may live in contentment to himself and others for a short time, as others live a long life. Some are old in years that have been tediously drawn out, while others have hours that are cheerfully spent. Living by our faith enables us to enjoy our portion as a continual portion, a kingly portion, all the days of our life.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Devotional Readings 'Voices From The Past Vol.1.'
Samuel Ward, Sermons, pp. 36-40
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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