'Voices From The Past' Vol. 1 — March 9

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God.—1 Peter 5:6

The humble soul endeavours more how to glorify God in afflictions, than how to get out of them. Daniel, the three children, the apostles, and those worthies of whom this world was not worthy were such. They were not seeking to get out of their afflictions but were concerned for the glory of God. They were willing to be anything and bear anything that God might be glorified. They made it their business to glorify God in the fire, prison, den, rack, and under the sword. The humble soul says: 'Lord, keep down my sins, and keep up my heart to honour you in all my troubles. Though my burdens are doubled and troubles multiplied, help me to honour you by trusting, waiting and submitting to you, and I shall sing my cares away and say, it is enough.' O but when a proud man under troubles is full of plans to get off his chains and out of the furnace—the proud heart will say anything, do anything, and be anything to free himself from the burdens that press him! A little will satisfy the humble soul, but nothing will satisfy a proud man's lusts. The humble says, ‘Lord, give me bread and clothing and you shall be my God. Give me much of Christ and heaven in my heart and food convenient to support my natural life, and it is enough.' The proud are never content. A crown did not content Ahab, but he must have Naboth's vineyard. Diogenes was more content with his tub to shelter him and a wooden dish to eat in, than Alexander had with the conquest of half the world and all the treasures, pleasures, and glories of Asia. A humble soul is more content with Daniel's vegetables than proud princes are with crowns and golden sceptres. The humble soul also rejoices in the graces and accomplishments of others, as well as in its own. There is no envy in spiritual things.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Devotional Readings 'Voices From The Past Vol.1.'
Thomas Brooks, Works, III:20-22
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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