'Voices From The Past' Vol. 1 — February 21

According to your faith be it done to you.—Matthew 9:29

If you seek to express your faith in a stronger fashion, focus your spiritual eye on your heavenly delights. You do not need to go out of the world or into some seclusion from society to do this. In the midst of glittering objects that would draw you away, treat them as if you do not even see them, or are not deeply affected with them. Moses focused his eye upon him that was invisible. A believer should go through the world as a man deep in thought, or with an errand of great importance. He travels down a street looking at nothing, hearing nothing, and considering nothing along the way. His focus is taken up with his treasures in heaven. O that no earthly object might detain or distract us! O that the main intent within us is the strengthening of our faith! Resolve in your heart not to omit one day, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to redeem at the least a quarter of an hour once or twice a day. Withdraw yourself apart from all company to seek the Lord and the strengthening of your faith. That is, by prayer, reading, and meditation you might put strength and life into your faith. This will cheer, revive, and warm your soul. If you shall observe this faithfully, the strength, comfort, and fruits of your faith will little by little thrive and grow until you arrive at maturity in Christ. It will not hurt you to purpose to do this every day of your life. While you are in the world, live by your faith. While others make much ado about needless trifles, you are building yourself up in your most holy faith. As you live by faith in the darkness of this world, you are looking to the time when you will be fully satisfied in all fullness of all good things at the right hand of God, when your faith will be turned into sight. These things I have written to you that your joy may be full. Lord, increase our faith!
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Devotional Readings 'Voices From The Past Vol.1.'
Samuel Ward, Sermons, pp. 36-40
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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