'Voices From The Past' Vol. 1 — February 17

Oh how I love your law!—Psalm 119:97

Faith can do so much for you. It is not enough to be healed of your disease, unless you also take up your bed and walk. O the life of grace which I have seen in some! Their meat and drink is to do the will of God. One might say, 'Though I am not pestered and mastered by any reigning corruption, yet I find myself dull and take no great pleasure in spiritual things. Prayer, meditation, and enjoyment of the Lord's day is as easy as iron swimming.’ But nothing is impossible to faith. Faith can transform these things to be natural for you. David came to delight in God's service. He loved the commandments of God more than gold, and they were sweeter to him than the honeycomb. He rose at midnight to meditate in the things of his God. The natural man may carry out many of these duties, but not from a heart of faith. Faith makes them go smoothly and makes our yoke light and easy (Isa. 40:31). Faith draws nourishment from the root of Christ. This taught David to fight, and Paul to preach. Faith draws out the fullness of his grace. Faith enables us to be as meek as Moses, patient as Job, and as zealous as David. Comfort your soul in the Lord and seek his favour through faith. Think about your union with him and the troubles he will remove from you. Consider the graces you need and ask for your portion as Caleb (Judg. 1:14). Follow this instruction daily and as the Spirit gives direction. I do not promise perfection, yet as you grow from faith to faith, you will grow from strength to strength in his graces, till by degrees you will attain to the fullness of maturity in Christ. You shall become a saint upon the earth. You will be a light in this dark world. You shall be able to live in holiness and righteousness all the days of your life with much more comfort to yourself and credit to the gospel.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Devotional Readings 'Voices From The Past Vol.1.'
Samuel Ward, Sermons, pp. 32-33
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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