Persevere as God Preserves (1)

Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. -Psa.86:11

How to persevere in goodness:
(1) Labour for true grace. What is sincere, is constant. That is true grace which the Spirit of God works in us, and is not built on false grounds, as to have respect for this or that man, or ends of our own. Now, that we may have true grace, let us labour to be thoroughly convinced of sin, after which grace will follow. To which end we should pray earnestly for the Spirit, who will 'convince us of all sin' (John 16:8, 9), and work this grace of constancy, and all other graces in us. For where the Spirit is, there is a savour and relish in all the ways of God. How sweet to a spiritual heart is the goodness of God in our redemption, justification, and preservation!
(2) Seek a strong resolution against all oppositions, for, know this, scandals will come, difficulties will arise, but firm resolution will carry us through all. Those who go forth to walk for pleasure, if a storm comes, they return in again presently; whereas he that sets out on a journey, though he meets with many storms and tempests, yet he will go through all, because he has resolved beforehand.
(3) Labour for the obedience of faith, to believe the truth and to obey it in practice. Labour to know and obey that you may be built on the rock Christ Jesus. If you fall, it is your own fault for building on the sand. Often put these questions to your soul: 'Is this truth that I hold? Is this truth I would die for?' If so, then hold it fast, otherwise suspect the soundness of your faith.
(4) Above all things, get the love of God in your heart. This will constrain you to obedience. If you always look upon your discouragements, you will soon falter and fall away. But if you eye your encouragements, it is impossible that you would desert Christ, or his truth. Who would not hold out, having such a captain, and such a causes as we fight for? Where the truth is loved and received and practiced, there is constancy.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
Experience Triumphing, Works, vol. 7, pp. 410-11
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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