Believing God's Mysteries (2)

He leads the humble in what is right and teaches the humble his way. -Psa. 25:9

(2) If we would understand these mysteries, let us labour for humble spirits; for the Spirit works that disposition in the first place: 'The humble, God will teach' (Psa. 25:9). Now this kind of humility here required, it is a denial of our own wisdom. We must be content 'to become fools, that we may be wise' (1 Cor. 4:10). We must deny our own understanding and be content to have no more understanding in divine things than what we can get out of God's word. We must bring this humility if we want to understand the mystery.
(3) Bring along a serious desire to know, with a purpose to be moulded to what we know, and to be delivered to the obedience of what we know, for then God will reveal it to us. Together with prayer and humility, let us bring a purpose and desire to be taught, and we will find divine wisdom. None ever miscarry in the church but those that have false hearts. They do not have humble and sincere hearts, willing to be taught. Let a man have a wicked heart, and he will find flatterers to build him up in all violent and wicked courses. God in judgement will give him teachers that will suit his disposition. But if he be a child of God, and have a sincere heart to know the truth, he will meet with some that will in sincerity tell him the truth. Therefore, we should pity men less when we see them run into errors. God sees that they have wicked dispositions. God will have mercy on them if they be sincere, though they be in error. But if wee men who may know the truth, and yet run into errors, know that such a man has a poisonous heart, a malicious bent of heart against the truth. Where God gives a willing mind, there he opens his meaning. Wisdom is easy to him that wills to understand.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
The Fountain Opened, Works, vol. 5, pp. 470
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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