Believing God's Mysteries (3)

I will give them a heart to know that I am the LORD, and they shall be my people and I will be their God, for they shall return to me with their whole heart. -Jer. 24:7

(4) Take heed of passion and prejudice, of carnal affections that stir up passion; for they will make the soul not able to see the mysteries that are plain in themselves. As we are strong in any passion, so we judge; and the heart, when it is given up to passion, transforms the truth to its own self. When the taste is distorted, it tastes things, not as they are in themselves, but inaccurately. So corrupt hearts transform the sacred mystery to their own liking, and often force the Scriptures to defend their own sin, and their corrupt state. The corrupt will believe according to their leanings. What it loves, it will force itself to believe--although it be contrary to divine mysteries--when the heart is deeply engaged in any passion or affection. Let us labour to come with purged hearts to receive God's mysteries. They will lodge only in clean hearts. Let us labour to see God and Christ with a clear eye, free from passion, covetousness, and vainglory. We see a notable example of this in the scribes. When they were not led with passion, covetousness, and envy against Christ, how right they could judge of the gospel, and the unfolding of the prophecies to the wise men. They could tell aright that he should be born in Bethlehem (Matt. 2:5, 6). But when Christ came among them and opposed their lazy, proud kind of life, that kept people in awe of their ceremonies, then they sinned against the Holy Spirit, and against their own light, and maligned Christ, and brought him to his end. So it is with men. When their minds are clear, before they are overcast with passion and strong affections to the world, they judge clearly of divine things; but when those passions prevail with them, they are opposed to the truth that they saw before. Men are so unsettled. Sometimes they will grant truths, sometimes they will not, as their passions lead them. Therefore, it is of great consequence to come with clean hearts and minds to the mysteries of God.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
The Fountain Opened, Works, vol. 5, pp. 470-71
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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