How We Can Know That God Has Chosen Us

We love because he first loved us.—1 John 4:19

We can know that God has chosen us and called us effectually if we have grace to choose him for our God. When he bids us believe he gives an influence of power to be able to say, ‘I believe; Lord, help my unbelief' (Mark 9:24). We may know he loves us, when we reflect love back, and love him. We may know he delights in us when we delight in him and his servants. Where is the strength of this argument? From this. All good things, whatsoever we do, are from God. God shines on us first and God owns us for his first. God being the spring of all goodness, he must begin. 'We love him because he loved us first' (1 John 4:19), else we could never love him. Therefore, if we love him and truth, he loves us. Surely, he owns us, because in order of causes we can have nothing but from him first. God sometimes will let us see things in the effect and hide them in the cause. Perhaps he will not persuade by his Spirit that he loves us, has chosen us, and that we are his; but he will work something in our hearts, some good thing, some love. Surely then God is theirs. Though there be not an open voice, yet they may know God has loved this soul and spoken peace to that soul, because we can return nothing to God, but he must shine on us first. Let us not deceive ourselves, but if we find some beginnings of grace, and can say without arrogancy or usurpation, 'Doubtless you are our Father, our God' (Isa. 63:16); we are not worthy to be yours, but we are yours; if we find something that castaways cannot have, some grief over a heart for sin, some faith, some little measure of love, and some love of truth, then we may come boldly to increase our familiarity and communion with God.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
A Heavenly Conference, pp. 139-42
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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