The Sun of Righteousness Heals (1)

For you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings.—Mal. 4:2a
Because of thy tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high.—Luke 1:78

If Christ is the Sun of Righteousness, we should, when we are spiritually cold and numb, retreat to him, and know that he has exactly what we need. Are we dark? He is light. Are we sick? He can heal us. Are we dying? He is life. Are we in discomfort? He is the fullness of love. He is the Sun, we should seek him, and make him our all in all. Make him our Prophet, to direct us by his light; our Priest, to make atonement for us; our King, to help us overcome all our corruptions, and to make us more than conquerors. Malachi tells us, 'the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings.' We understand the word wings as beams of the sun, for beams spread from the body of light, as wings from the body; and Christ, though but one, can spread all his graces to all parts of the world. Also, wings have the power to keep warm, and comfort the young ones; and God is said to gather his children as a hen gathers her chickens (Matt. 23:37). Further, in the beams there is a healing nature. The Sun of Righteousness will be a healing Sun.
For by nature we are all sick and wounded. Some see and feel their diseases and pain, others do not; but those that do not are the most dangerously afflicted. We are all sick with a general spreading leprosy of sin; but we also have, every one of us, our particular diseases. Some swell with pride; others who are covetous have an ever-supposed hunger, always crying for more. Some burn with anger, as men do in a hot fever. We are all sick and have a need of the healing that is found and accomplished only in Christ.
In a wonderful manner, Christ calls to us, 'Come to me, all you that are weary’ (Matt. 11:28). Doctors usually heal by applying natural drugs and medicines; but Christ heals with the ointment of his own blood. By his wounds and stripes are we healed (Isa. 53:5).
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
Sun of Righteousness, Works, vol. 7, p. 171
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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