Kingdom Violence (6)

Because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.—Rev. 3:16

We see then the disposition of true disciples, they are violent in respect of heavenly things. Those that are not earnest in the cause of religion, when the state of things requires it, they have no religion in them, they are not in the state of grace. We must be earnest against our own sins. Violence must begin there, to subdue all to the Spirit of Christ, to allow nothing else to rule in our hearts. There is also violence to maintain the cause of Christ. 'To contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints' (Jude 3), and if it be opposed to vindicate it. Christ cannot abide those who are lukewarm. His stomach cannot bear them. 'I will spit you out. I would you were hot or cold' (Rev. 3:15, 16). It would be better for a man to be nothing in religion than to be lukewarm. If a man will have any good from religion, he must be in earnest in it: 'If Baal be God, stand for him, if you would have good by him: if the Lord be God, stand for him' (1 Kings 18:21). There is no good received by religion if we be not earnest for it. Religion is not a matter to play with.
Religion does not take away the earnestness of the affections. Instead, it directs them to better things. It takes not away anything in us but turns the stream another way. Violence requires the height and strength of the affections. If a stream violently runs one way, if it be, by skill and cunning, turned to another way, it will run as fast that way as it did before. So it is with the heart of man. Religion takes nothing away that is good but lifts it up; it elevates and advances it to better objects. There are honours, and pleasures when a man is in Christ, but they are of a higher kind. They draw greater affections than all other things. But these affections are purified, they run in a better, in a clearer channel. He that was violent before is as violent still, only the stream is turned.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
Victorious Violence, Works, vol. 6, pp. 304-05
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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