God Loves Our Changed Lives (2)

For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.—Phil. 2:13

If it is so that God accepts the performances and graces, especially the prayers of his children, let it be an argument to encourage us to be much in all holy duties. It would deaden the heart of any man to perform service where it should not be accepted. But when all that is good is accepted, and what is amiss is pardoned, when even a cup of cold water will not go unnoticed nor unrewarded (Matt. 10:42), what can we desire more? It is infidelity, which is dishonourable to God and uncomfortable to us, that makes us so barren and cold in duties.
Only let our care be to approve our hearts unto Christ. When our hearts are right, we cannot but think comfortably of Christ. Those that have offended some great persons are afraid when they hear from them, because they think they are in a state displeasing to them. So, a soul that is under the guilt of any sin is so far from thinking that God accepts of it, that it looks to hear nothing from him but some message of anger and displeasure. But one that preserves acquaintance and due respect to a great person, hears from him with comfort. So, as we would desire to hear nothing but good news from heaven, and acceptation of all that we do, let us be careful to preserve ourselves in a good state. Every child of God is beloved and accepted of him. This made his presence so desired in the gospel with those that had gracious hearts. They knew all was the better for Christ, even the company better, for he never left any house or table where he was, but there was an increase of comfort and grace. As it was in his personal presence, so it is in his spiritual presence. He never comes, but he increases grace and comfort. Let us be stirred up to have communion with Christ. Let us labour to be such as Christ may delight in and where he tastes sweetness, he will bring more with him.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Richard Sibbes 'Refreshment for the Soul.'
The Love of Christ (Bowels Opened), pp. 43-45
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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