'Voices From The Past' Vol. 1 — December 4

He who had set me apart before I was born,...was pleased to reveal his Son to me.—Galatians 1:15-16

A remarkable performance of providence for the people of God is the ordering of the occasion, instrument, and means of their conversion. In nothing does providence shine forth more gloriously. You are more beholden to him for this than for all of your other mercies. I cannot but think that your heart must be deeply affected by the thought of it. Every gracious heart loves to meditate on this. It is certainly the sweetest history that was ever told. The place where, and the instruments used, are exceedingly special. Jacob's Bethel was forever sweet to his thoughts. O blessed places, times, and instruments! O the deep, sweet impressions, never to be razed out of the memory that this providence has made upon you. The Lord cast us upon the occasion and ordered the smallest circumstance for this work to be done. The eunuch, at the very instant he was reading the prophet Isaiah was joined by Philip to show him the way of salvation. How strange was the change upon Naaman the Syrian wrought by the providential circumstances of a little captured girl! Consider the blessed providence and conversion of the Samaritans. How often have people been amazed that the preacher seems to be speaking exactly to their heart when he knew nothing about them! O what a sweet remembrance it should be to your soul! Providence had a design upon you for your eternal good. Little did Zacchaeus know the design of Christ's mercy upon him when he climbed that tree. Little did some of you think what the aim of providence was when you went to hear such a sermon. O blessed providence to set you in the way of mercy! This mercy flows out of the fountain of God's electing love. It is an eternal mercy that will stick by you when all else fails around you.
Devotional Readings taken from Puritan Devotional Readings 'Voices From The Past Vol.1.'
John Flavel, Works, IV:376-387
Banner of Truth has granted permission for the use of this material.

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